Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Top 25 Signs You Are Dating The Wrong Guy

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Here are signs that shows YOU are Dating the wrong guy:
1. He is still attached to his ex
2. He never takes responsibility for himself, he always twists things and lays the blame on you
3. He makes disrespectful remarks
4. He is emotionally unavailable
5. He drinks too much or takes drugs
6. He has mood swings
7. You often have to tip toe around when you are with him
8. He is over controlling
9. He doesn't give you a positive attention 
10. You are never sure where you stand with him
11. He makes disrespectful statements 
12. Everything he does for you is on his terms and conditions 
13. He looks down on you 
14. His is either a workaholic or has no drive, no goals, no aspirations 
15. You always feel like you have to prove yourself to him
16. He doesn't make you feel important
17. He always makes ugly remarks about your family and friends
18. He believes you are his possession, rather than his partner
19. He always leaves soon after s*x or rolls over and faces the other way
20. He likes the sound of his own voice more than he likes the sound of yours.
21. He underestimates your goals, dreams and visions
22. He plays games and always manipulates you to get what he wants
23. He doesn't keep to his words
24. He doesn't make you feel cherished
25. He talks over you and interrupts you 

If you've noticed any of these signs in your Relationship, you really need to re-think who you date. Build up a relationship with yourself before you start building a relationship with someone else. Do not waste precious time with guys who are good for Nothing.

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Related : Top 25 Signs You Are Dating The Wrong Guy


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