Saturday, 18 July 2015

Russian Husband and Wife Both Wear Dress, Look The Same

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Same-s*x marriage is banned in Russia. Besides that, there are an increasing number of cases of violence against homos*xuals in that country, especially since it is considered a mental illness there since 1999.
But Alison Brooks and Alina Davis are getting married in Russia, which is stirring a big controversy. You can see from the picture that they look identically the same. They a both look very beautiful in their wedding dresses.
How Did The Wedding Push Through3 Russia with love
Alina, the girl standing on the right side of the picture, was born Dmitry Kozhukhov. Yes, the 23-year-old who is getting married is in fact born a man. She considers herself as an androgyne. A term labelled to people who doesn’t really fit into a singular gender identity.
Alina Wears women’s clothes all the time. However, since her birth certificate indicates that she is a man; Russian authorities couldn’t do anything to stop her from getting married with Alison.
The registry office head repeatedly reminded them that it would be best if they both didn’t wear wedding dresses during the special event.3 Russians
They Still Got Married in Their Dresses
But there are no laws in Russia prohibiting men from wearing dresses and looking exactly the same as their brides.
The couple still got married looking as beautiful as each other, in the Moscow’s Kutuzovsky Prospekt registry office, but they have to go through the rear entrance.

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Related : Russian Husband and Wife Both Wear Dress, Look The Same


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