Saturday, 18 July 2015

12 Forms of Betrayal Worst Than Cheating

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Cheating is not actually the worst nightmare couples will face in a relationship. To some people, betrayal is harsher than infidelity.
1. End of relationship for no apparent reason. This is a dead ender that may cause sudden panic attacks.Quotes1
2. Confiding in another opposite sex before confiding to husband or wife. This is an act of deception and a complete violation of trust.the-many-faces-of-ron-weasley1289910797-mar-27-2012-600x446
3. Financial infidelity. This is an all out act of selfishness.Screen-shot-2012-05-28-at-10.30.59-AM
4. Hiding addiction, may it be on alcohol or substance. This is a form of weakness that’s constantly sustained. It’s evil.addict-spouse
5. Saying he or she doesn’t want the other to be the mother or father of future children. This is hurtful and insulting. father-and-son
6. Sharing vital secret about the partner to other people without permission. this again is a high violation of trust.gossip-hurts-500x281
7. Lying about a drunken one night stand. People might be surprised by how much other people can take hurtful truths. Truth should be given more value.imsev115-031_1346296809_1346296899_460x460
8. Using children against the other. This is a desperate act that is unfair to the other partner but mostly unfair to the children.ID-12556985-1058x705
9. Backstabbing partner to partner’s parents. This is another desperate act to get attention. It’s very unhealthy.mother-in-law-couple-problem-350x350
10. Constant lying. Again, just tell the truth. Liar-1
11. Secret financial support to parents who are very lazy. If the other person works hard and the other simply downplays it by handing out money without the hardworking partner’s permission, that is a serious
12. Saying “I don’t like you as a person.” If your partner says this, tell him or her to adopt a monkey because only a monkey can put through the hell he or she is causing and just leave. angry-wife-married-couple-arguing-jpg

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Related : 12 Forms of Betrayal Worst Than Cheating


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